This page presents key text from the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and the French Data Protection Act. These pieces of legislation provide a compliance framework for processing personal data.
The Groupe Mulliez-Flory website is subject to the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.
In accordance with Article 27 of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data under the terms of Article 34 of that act.
Groupe Mulliez-Flory has declared the collection and processing of your personal data to CNIL (the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties).
This page sets out our commitments under the data protection and security policy for data collected through our website, and how that data is used.
All processing and use of the personal data you provide through the website is performed under the responsibility of Groupe Mulliez-Flory - Route de SAint Aubin Le Longeron - 49710 SEVREMOINE (SIRET: 30805441000029)
What personal data do we collect?
We collect personal data when a customer relationship is established between the website user and Groupe Mulliez-Flory.
For example, we collect your personal data when you create a user account or place an order.
When viewing the website, details of your browsing may be stored in a Cookies file saved on your device via your browser.
Like most websites, we use Cookies to generate statistics on visitor numbers, time spent, etc.
Those Cookies are stored once you have given your agreement during your first visit to the Groupe Mulliez-Flory website.
All collected data is used to ensure our services and website operate correctly.
Our aim is to continually improve our service and your user experience on our Groupe Mulliez-Flory website.
We also use this information to process your orders, deliver your parcels, generate invoices and process payments.
Your personal data allows us to establish statistics on the pages consulted in order to offer you and recommend the products that best suit you whatever your profession.
Groupe Mulliez-Flory is the sole recipient of your personal data. Some of your data will be sent to third parties, if allowed by the law, including for the purpose of performing the contract, invoicing and marketing, or if you have previously given your consent to this.
In order to execute the order, some service providers (e.g. carriers) are given the details required for them to perform their service/assignment.
Retention period
Groupe Mulliez-Flory only stores your personal data for the period required to finish processing your order, within the applicable and legal limits.
Cookies are valid for six (6) months on the Groupe Mulliez-Flory website.
You can delete stored Cookies at any time by modifying your browser’s settings.
Deleting Cookies may slow your browsing experience on website pages.
Data protection legislation
In accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. Groupe Mulliez-Flory will assess your request and respond as quickly as possible.
Right to rectification and deletion of data: Legislation allows you to request the rectification, deletion and/or updating of your data at any time.
To exercise those rights, you can contact us directly with your request to rectify and/or delete your personal data.